Military Medals: Symbols of Courage and Outstanding Performance


Military medals are special honors typically awarded to soldiers who have demonstrated exceptional performance in war, armed conflicts, or special missions. These medals represent courage, outstanding achievements, and dedication to the nation, making them one of the highest honors in the military realm. In this article, we will explore the history, types, and significance of military medals, their importance to individuals and nations, address common questions about military medals, and mention our experience and craftsmanship in producing them.

The History and Origins of Military Medals

The history of military medals can be traced back to ancient times during periods of warfare. In ancient Greece and Rome, military medals were usually awarded by generals or commanders to recognize the valorous deeds and outstanding performance of warriors. Over time, the shapes and styles of these medals may have evolved, but they still symbolize the significant contributions of soldiers to their nations.

Types of Military Medals

Because different countries and military organizations have varying systems and standards, there is a wide variety of military medals. Here are some common types of military medals:

  1. Courage Medals (Medals of Bravery):
    The team considers and defines the product’s position, core concepts, and market needs, unleashing creativity to begin shaping a new product.
  2. Distinguished Service Medalss:
    Given to individuals who have shown exceptional performance, professionalism, and excellence in their military service. For example, the Distinguished Service Order in the United Kingdom.

  3. Meritorious Medals (Honorary Medals):
    Presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to their nation, not limited to the military field. Most of the time, these medals are awarded for exceptional performance or achievements in special missions, strategic plans, rescue operations, or significant contributions to national security and strategy formulation. Examples include the Legion of Honour in France or the Victoria Cross for Canada.

The Significance and Importance of Military Medals

Military medals hold significant meaning for both recipients and their nations. Here is what military medals represent:

Recognition and Encouragement: Military medals acknowledge the courage and outstanding performance of individuals, encouraging soldiers to continue their efforts in challenging and dangerous situations and motivating them to maintain excellent combat capabilities.

Influence and Prestige: Military medals elevate the status and prestige of military personnel within the military and society. These medals are symbols sought after by soldiers, commanders, and military leaders, providing them with more opportunities for career advancement and respect.

Tradition and History: Military medals carry the traditions and history of military organizations. They connect the past, present, and future, helping people understand the stories of past war heroes and their nation’s glory. They also promote the transmission of military values and professional ethics.

National Honor and Pride: Military medals represent the nation’s recognition of outstanding performance and contributions to the defense of national security and interests, combat, or sacrifice. They instill a deeper sense of belonging and pride in the recipients, enhancing national cohesion.

Furthermore, some recipients of military medals may receive benefits from their countries, such as tax reductions or invitations to important national events, depending on the specific regulations of each country’s military medals.

Can You Get Military Medals Without War?

During peacetime, military medals are typically not awarded because these honors are primarily bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance in military actions, wars, armed conflicts, or special missions. During peacetime, military institutions usually focus on peacekeeping, training, and readiness, without the need for military medal presentations.

However, in peacetime, there are other types of awards that may be presented to recognize individuals’ outstanding contributions in various fields, including the military, culture, humanitarian work, or public service. These awards are specific to each country or region’s regulations and traditions, rather than being military-related.

Are Military Medals Traded in the Market?

In general, military medals are usually not allowed to be sold because they represent the outstanding performance and dedication of every recipient in the military field. Military medals have symbolic significance and are a form of honor. Selling military medals is generally considered unethical and disrespectful to national honors.

Many countries have laws that prohibit the sale or purchase of military medals. Additionally, many military medals have the recipient’s name and information engraved on them, which could involve privacy and security issues.

However, there are some exceptions, where certain stores are authorized by the government to sell military medals and related items. Many military collectors also participate in legal auctions to acquire the military medals they desire. The availability of military medals in the market varies depending on the laws of each country and region. It is recommended to understand the relevant regulations regarding military medals in your country to ensure that you do not violate any laws when trading them.

Materials of Military Medals

The materials used for military medals vary depending on the country’s traditions and systems. Here are some common materials used for military medals:

Brass: Brass is the most commonly used material for military medals. It has a metallic sheen, good corrosion resistance, lower costs, and is relatively easy to cast and process.

Silver: Some medals use silver as the primary material, especially in more prestigious or commemorative medals. Silver has an elegant appearance and high durability but is relatively more expensive than brass.

Stainless Steel: Some military medals may use stainless steel as the material. Stainless steel offers high durability and corrosion resistance. Stainless steel medals can withstand the effects of moisture, oxidation, and other environmental factors.

Zinc Alloy: Zinc alloy is commonly used for making various metal products but is generally less used for official military medals. One reason is that the casting technology for zinc alloy was not as advanced in the past, and traditionally, military medals have been made with metals such as brass or silver. However, as times have changed, more military medals have shifted to using zinc alloy due to factors such as cost and material quality. We have experience in producing various military organization medals or badges using zinc alloy.

Chung Jen International’s Military Medals

Chung Jen International has over 30 years of experience in zinc alloy die-casting and specializes in professional techniques such as electroplating and metal coloring. We have worked with various government agencies and military units in the past to produce military medals and have also created sports competition medals, including running medals, marathon medals, and medals for various sports competitions. We can meet your design needs and professionally customize your military medals.

We welcome cooperation with governments and official military organizations worldwide. We will provide you with secure confidentiality agreements and create various medals, including military medals, as well as badges, commemorative coins, and other military-related products tailored to your needs. We understand the importance of military medals and will ensure their production in a professional and secure manner. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please feel free to contact us.


Military medals symbolize courage, excellence, and dedication to one’s nation and are among the highest honors in the military field. These medals carry historical and traditional significance and have profound meaning for both recipients and their countries. While military medals are not awarded during peacetime, they still serve as recognition and encouragement for those who demonstrate exceptional performance and dedication during times of war and armed conflicts.

The materials used and the craftsmanship involved in making military medals may vary from one country to another, but they generally represent the respect and honor for courage and outstanding performance in the military field. Chung Jen International specializes in producing various zinc alloy medals, including sports and military medals. With our wealth of experience, we are ready to collaborate with governments and military organizations to provide military medals and related products that meet your specific requirements. We understand the importance of military medals and ensure their professional and secure production, including the signing of confidentiality agreements. If you are interested in partnering with us, please feel free to contact us.