



Jeliku is a versatile creative toy that sparks unlimited imagination and creativity in children, making it an ideal promotional gift for businesses as well. With its flexible assembly of colorful plastic structures, Jeliku can be folded and assembled into various unique shapes, perfect for children’s play and also serves as a fun tool for corporate promotions. Whether as a toy or a promotional item, Jeliku showcases its unique charm and value.

Jeliku’s functions can be divided into being an educational toy or a corporate gift. As a toy, Jeliku is not only a challenging puzzle toy but also stimulates users’ thinking and creativity, fostering spatial imagination and hand-eye coordination. Its unique assembly method and rich color design attract both children and adults, making it an ideal choice for family entertainment.

As a corporate promotional item, Jeliku offers custom color and printing services, effectively displaying company logos and advertisements for new products, maintaining the company’s professional image, and allowing consumers or the public to feel the brand’s innovation and uniqueness. Customizing Jeliku with the company logo or brand identity colors paired with slogans will be a unique gift or souvenir, deepening customer impressions of the brand and reminding them of the brand’s presence in their daily lives, enhancing brand recognition and loyalty. Welcome all major brands to contact us for customization.

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